Confessions of a Proudly Mediocre Coach

by Head Coach
Confessions of a Proudly Mediocre Coach

If you’ve stumbled upon this blog, you too might be endlessly scrolling through youth baseball Instagram accounts, hoping to discover that one magical tip, drill, or (let’s be honest) piece of equipment that will catapult your team to greatness.

I’m just a dad who somehow turned coaching youth baseball into his entire identity – and it turns out, I’m not exactly a natural. In fact, I’m pretty mediocre.

It’s this odd catch-22 I’ve found myself in. I hate coaching, yet I can’t imagine not doing it, and I trust very few others to coach my kids the way I believe they should be coached. So, I’m stuck. This “stuckness” has landed me in a no-man’s land of mediocrity. I’ve built a team that’s okay-ish. Competitive, sometimes. Great, rarely.

I’m still figuring out what the point of this blog will be. It might end up being just the musings of a lackluster dad-ball coach. Maybe it will help work through my own issues. It will likely make me laugh (and maybe cry a bit too), and hopefully, it resonates with you as well.

Please continue to check back in to see how (un)successfully I navigate local Little League politics, intertwined with travel baseball competitiveness, All-Stars, tournaments, insane parents, insane coaches, bitchy umpires, and lazy kids. The list of characters in this story seems to grow every season, so hopefully the stories stay relevant, too.